Low blood pressure, pancreas and how it affects us

Blood pressure is the force exerted by the heart in pumping blood from its chambers. It is affected by the amount of adrenalin and noradenalin produced by the adrenal glands. Adrenalin permits emergency contraction of some parts of the body and emergency relaxation of others. Noradrenalin is involved with contraction primarily and thus handles such jobs as the maintenance of proper blood pressure. Thus noradrenalin has an effect on long term stress.

Panceas: The pancreas lies mainly behind the stomach across the back of the abdomen. It is a dual-purpose organ with endocrine function (ducted; digestive juices are secreted through the pancreatic duct. Functions: Pancreatic juice is alkaline and neutralizes acid from the stomach. It has many enzymes which are catalysts that break down complex substances into simpler ones for absorption through the intestine into the blood stream. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas is essential in controlling the glucose level in the blood. Glucose is the principal energy food used by the body. (blood sugar level endocrine)

Diabetes: This is a condition in which the pancreas fails to supply enough insulin to control the blood sugar (glucose) levels. There are many side effects; the eyes and kidneys are usually the first to be affected if diabetes is not treated. This condition can occur during childhood as well as later in life. Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the pancreas produces too much insulin, thereby creating a low blood sugar level. many symptoms accompany a low blood sugar condition, eg; the brain has no fuel reserve except the supply of glucose in the blood. Hypoglycemia will impair the efficiency of the brain. It is principally through the regulation of diet that hypoglycemia is treated.

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