The cells of the body

The Cells of the body

Cells are the essential building blocks of life. The human body is made up of cells, which form fluid, tissues and organs. Blood is made up of a fluid connective tissue that consists of plasma and different types of cells.

Cells live independently of each other and can reproduce themselves. Each cell has a different structure and function- for example, a sperm cell has a whiplike tail to propel itself up to the cervix. DNA is the material from which the chromosomes of a cell’s nucleus are formed, governing cell growth and inheritance. Certain diseases are passed down through generations within the cells, so looking at your family history can give you an indication of the diseases to which you may be predisposed.

Reflexology and the Cells:

Reflexology can assist by increasing the circulation in the transportation of energy to all the cells of the body and in removal of the waste products, thereby helping to prevent disease. Remember that everything you do in life has an effect on the cells of your body.

Cell Structure:

All living organisms on Earth are divided into cells. These contain smaller pieces, including proteins and organelles, and larger pieces called tissues and systems. Cells are small compartments that hold all of the biological equipment necessary to keep an organism alive on Earth.

Each cell is surrounded by a cell membrane, which is like a filter and lets some substances in and out of the cell, while other substances are blocked from entering. For instance, the cell membrane allows in oxygen and nutrients from the blood to provide it with energy, and then passes out waste products and carbon dioxide back into the bloodstream to be excreted from the body. The nucleus of the cell governs all its functions, while the cytoplasm is the cellular material in which its organelles are suspended.

Mitochondria are the energy powerhouses of the cells, where nutrients are broken down to release energy for cell repair, defence mechanisms and other processes that maintain the body.

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